Here's some food for thought: It's not easy planning and putting on an event. I actually know. I used to coordinate a fabulous handmade craft market. When I had to stop doing it, it was heartbreaking. I had literally put blood, sweat, and tears into that show. I have made longtime friends and learned so. darn. much. From this background, I have such sympathy for the organizers of fiber events all over that have had to cancel. It hurts to have to cancel something you have nurtured and loved and built. It HURTS. It hurts emotionally, physically, and financially. Even when you know without any doubt that you have done the right thing, it still hurts.
I have mad respect for the folx having to step back and make that call on their own - I'm talking before anyone TOLD them they had to. That takes foresight, selflessness, and guts. Pushback happens in those situations, and sometimes it's unkind. Trust me when I say that the organizers of these events would go forward as planned if there was ANY way to do that. Cut them some some slack (like, a lot), and for the love of all of the things, support your independent makers wherever you can. They're hurting right now, too. Even if it's just reaching out to say you believe in them, that's huge. Knowing our community stands with us is a gift. It can help us push through to the other side.
FYI: This applies to all kinds of events/crafts/genres. So, be kind and do what you can. We all count on each other.
Some things we are talking about doing over here at WKF are Facebook and Instagram Live events to just check in and see how our sequestered friends are doing, additional knit alongs to bring us together and help us feel connected (albeit online), and at least one Facebook live sale to help offset the lost income and still provide the fuzzy yarn fix that will be missed without these events. We're working on others, and we'll share them as we can (like the brand new yarn pictured that we're about to release).
In the meantime, please accept our cyber hugs. Stay safe, and, for goodness sake, wash your hands.
<3 Kat